Helifish » POSTS » Finally, they’re published.

Finally, they’re published.

It’s done. It’s finally done. Whew!

The Scott Trilogy was launched on the 29th November and is widely available. If you didn’t preorder, then now is your chance to get the books in time for Christmas – several hours of reading pleasure for a very reasonable cost.

To get your copies please refer to the Look Inside Book2Look images on the home page of this site. I’m referring you there, because all the outlets are shown under each image and the list of links would be too long to post here.

Following the links below will take you to your Amazon page for each book, no matter where in the world you are.

Book 1 – Scott’s Choice: getbook.at/ScottsChoice
Book 2 – Nature’s Justice: getbook.at/NaturesJustice
Book 3 – The Pilot: getbook.at/ThePilot

Some people prefer not to use Amazon. If so the Book2Looks allow you to choose your favourite outlet: Kobo, Nook and others, plus all the popular stores for paperbacks.

I’ve already written about 10,000 words of my next book – so far it’s under a working title, which I’ve abbreviated to NTNC. I’ll let the secret out of the bag when I’m more confident of the story.

I wish you all an excellent holiday season and a happy and prosperous 2020.

Best wishes,


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